LingoZING! Corporate
The only Audio-Graphic Novel-Comic Book Teacher


* Requires iOS 7.0 or higher

Our titles are available in

Our titles are available in

Storytelling as a Tool to Engage and Retain

LingoZING! is the only completely customizable B2B learning platform that improves learning success by using Storytelling Audio-Graphic Novels as an effective Learning Tool.
  • Corporate learning and development
  • Language learners
  • Builds a strong brand message

Retention Rates

  • 91% Prefer interactive content to static
  • Interactive content increases retention by 79%

LingoZING is an end-to-end Digital Learning Solution

Tapping into modern consumption habits:
Combines interactive audio and visuals in a narrative context that triggers maximum retention.

LingoZING features: Enjoy comics in an innovative way!

  • Swipe forward and back to move through frames
  • The Language Slider: Easily flip between your two chosen languages using
  • Slow: Control the speed of audio dialogue, quick replay or record yourself  reading the lines
  • Record yourself to perfect your pronunciation

LZPlay - delivers content in native languages

LZPlay reads the comic directly to you in the language of your choice and Makes us the Only Interactive Audio-Graphic novel app with embedded native language learning.

Storytelling, a powerful tool!

That enables to understand and share:
  • Cultural values & Traditions
  • Local Customs and International ethics
  • Delivers on a subliminal level
  • Visuals transcend written limitations
Achieves: Empathy = Equality = Inclusion
Keeping the “Humanities” alive through a more human touch.

Skills expansion through effective Story-telling

Custom made Story-telling that includes imbedded info-bytes promotes Engagement, empathic understanding and Retention.
  • Employee L&D to handle new tools
  • Employee internal office practices – new policies
  • Etiquette with customers
  • Integrate LingoZING app and Reader into the company app 
Corporate Learning and Development
  • Solid Tracking Metrics
  • Open Rates / Completion
  • Dwell Times per page or topic allows a granular analysis for  follow on training ideal for compliance or specific skills needs

Employee experience: Learning is fun!

Combine learning and entertainment to maximize success in learning!
  • The Emotional tie to the story and/or characters enhances the learning and affects actions and attitudes
  • Character identification with created story-characters makes the employee feel understanding = empathy
  • Employee loyalty and gratitude to employer and brand as employees engage with fun tools
  • Interactive learning shifts the experience from burden to benefit
  • Employees need to learn USEFUL words in English or other languages to be effective communicators
  • Story-telling can promote curiosity and will to expand knowledge by creating an emotional hook to the content

Crypto - the Graphic Novel:
B2B Success Story

The LingoZING Team created in-house an original graphic novel to help people learn about cryptocurrencies.
  • Licensed by Le Lombard (leading French graphic novel publisher).
  • Awarded ‘Prix Lycéen 2019’ by French Ministry of Finance for best teaching tool for students of economics.
  • Eligible for inclusion in ‘Formation Professionelle’ in France (Large funding for professional learning and development).

Learning: Problem & Solution

Learning is ripe for explosive growth with Unprecedented Need for Corporate L&D up skilling and repurposing for Employees and Universal Language Learning
  • 24.8%: CAGR in gamification market
  • $37B: Gamification market jump by 2027
  • 100%: Revenue growth for Duolingo in Users post- Covid, now valued at $2.4B
  • $510M: Tapas Media Webtoons App sold May 2021
Gamified Online Solutions in Education & Media are sought.

LingoZING’s Solution

Current practices do not fully address the urgent requirements for corporate learning solutions.
  • Tutorials (written): Low Cost. Easy distribution (10% retention)
  • Videos How-to (audio-visual): Moderately effective (30% retention)
  • AR/VR (Interactive): Expensive. Hard to distribute. Lengthy Production. (79% retention)
  • 91% Learners prefer interactive over static content
  • 64% L&D leaders agree that learning culture priority has moved from “nice-to-have” to “must-have”
  • 73% CEOs consider L&D as a key strategy to drive diverse, inclusive & equitable culture

LingoZING provides

  • Gamified, audio-Visual Interactive Content with proven up to 90% retention rate
  • Micro-learning with ease of access and consumption via mobile devices & content engagement metrics
  • Multi-lingual learning builds reach to global and diverse employees & customers
Audio-graphic novels
Interactive narrative
(79% retention)
  • Competitively priced
  • Quick to market
  • Easily distributed via mobiles
  • Optimum quality
  • Highly effective

LINGOZING’s offer:​

  • Create Customized Graphic novels for Corporate Branding +Language
  • Languages: Packages
    of Existing titles as add-ons
  • Create Customized Graphic novels for Corporate L&D +
Customized content production (by Team using existing resources and creators) and delivery for:​
  • Corporate L&D: Businesses looking to engage employees
  • Branding: Inform their customers have a back-story to support their Branding

Story telling in Learning & Development

Employee Engagement/Training:
  • Deliver engaging Comic based training on mobiles facilitating retention
  • Dual benefits of language learning and L&D combined with emotional engagement
  • Encourage Employees to learn a skill and a new language and further their career
LingoZING proposes to custom create for Learning & Development:
  • Build the Brand
  • Innovation attracts employees
  • Drive learning adoption
  • Improve soft skills – using story-telling
  • Creates inclusion and diversity
  • Help teach empathy

Patented customizable B2B platform that improves learning outcomes

  • Interactive learning experience (LZPlay, Read-to-me, Stop & Play, Record yourself, Circle to Save for later)
  • Dedicated Library of Customized Content (white labeling available)
  • Consumption tracking metrics
  • Studio Works – End-to-end multi-lingual training design, development and implementation

The How: Gamification

  • Tracking metrics to motivate, create a sense of competition and drive success
  • Interactive gamified experience
  • Defined Goals
  • User friendly and fun

LingoZING enhances the Corporate Image with a Backstory

Building Loyalty For Brand Communication
  • Corporate History – how it began
  • Discover: life in various cities throughout a story told by …
  • Corporate Characters and what ties them together
  • Love Stories that happened involving Corporation
  • A story that happened within the Corporation
Today’s Social Message
  • Where The Corporation stands in relation to other brands
  • Provides the actions to take in solving today’s critical sustainability issues
  • Promote inclusion
  • Accelerate the energy and ecological transition
  • Facilitate equal opportunities for young people
  • Promote solidarity and social ties
  • Favors Innovations

LingoZING production support

LingoZING in-house production teams collaborate with you to set the storyline, imbed the wanted information, and manage the production of the all content from start to finish!
  • Stable of writers – appropriate writer chosen
  • Stable of Artists – corresponding artist chosen
  • Writer and LingoZING collaborate with the client to develop the 10-20 data points to teach, creates the tone, and the demographics desired
  • Arrangements with multilingual studios for the audio translations
  • 25-40 pages
  • 3-5 months from signature to delivery

Language learning & comic book - Graphic novel statistics

Our current and prospective distributors:

  • ELSA Speak – 15m users.
  • The Utah Immersion system has started using LingoZING]
  • France’s Education Nationale (France’s biggest employer), and other French government distributors (Institut Français, Alliances Françaises and more)
  • In the works: Launching LingoZING IN the Arabian World via government affiliated companies
  • Strategic Alliances being forged with other platforms and content distributors
a language, a profession, a subject, a skill, a culture.
Easy & accessible digital delivery: Android & IOS ; Mobile tablets 
and Smartphones.
Circle to Save, The Reader, Methodology.
5 interfaces in the 5 languages offered:
, Spanish,
, Italian.
300 language variations for all ages, levels, genres.

LINGOZING resources: A multi-level tool
for teaching/training/skills building

LINGOZING's methodology validated by academics:

Research has shown the effectiveness of using comics to teach languages, yet these studies have mostly used simple printed comics. LingoZING! transcends these static materials with a dynamic digital interface, allowing both for reading of a single language, but also the ability switch back and forth between languages and to hear this material in a verbal, interactive interface. These technological advances should propel LingoZING! far beyond the effectiveness of simple print comics, and offer an effective and engaging language learning tool for the 21st century.

Neil Cohn

Ph. D. in Psychology from Tufts University.

LingoZING is a perfect tool for learning languages at all ages as it can be used as a key literacy tool for young students in dual language and immersion education programs; thus using their cognitive abilities and their meta cognitive skills to learn a new language. This methodology of literacy immersion developed by LingoZING maximizes success for language learning as it is fun, gamified, and enables the learner to gravitate towards subjects and characters of their choosing.

Gregg Roberts

Father of the Bilingual Immersion system in the US.

Added Value Package

Additional titles can be added to your custom order to enhance language learning.

Kyra Pahlen:
A visionary, creative master storyteller

  • Founder & CEO: The Archivum Corp – Library of time-capsule videos of world’s VIPs with Walter Cronkite and Pierre Salinger.
  • Publisher: “Crypto” Graphic Novel
  • Producer: Cazuza’s Hologram Concert in Brazil
    Miramax “Posers,” and independently Producer on “Eye of the Widow”
  • Writer: Buddha the Warrior, 5 Top tier international Publishers. Won UN Prize
  • Consultant: Tristar Columbia Pictures
  • Distributor: Salkind’s 40 films including Superman; 
    Representative Director Atalanta Films B.V. Tokyo
  • Collaborator: Collaborated with Jacques Badin (Carrefour) for Scünci scaling to Conair
Kyra is on a mission to lift the collective consciousness and build cross-cultural understanding via creative initiatives in learning, education and lifestyle. With deep and wide global business experience and network in media industry, Kyra vision is to make education accessible to global audience in native languages.

LingoZING! is taking on SDG goal #4

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is today!"

“Great Idea!”

Stan Lee

Chairman Emeritus Marvel Creator of Marvel Comics.

ZING Technologies, Inc.

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    If you are an educator, a school teacher, please consult our Educator pages.